Design Build Bug-O-Nay-Ge-Shig High School

Department of the Interior Chooses Design Build Construction
Bug-O-Nay-Ge-Shig High School is a Native American High School on tribal lands in Bena, MN. The school had been working toward replacing thier condemned high school for over 20 years. With the cooperation of local congress members and senators, tribal leaders, BIA officials, and school administration a new High School for the Bug-O-Nay-Ge-Shig campus was finally to become a reality. They looked at several options for project delivery methods and decided that design-build would be the best approach. Modular Solutions, Ltd was selected as the team to construct the new high school. The high school had to be state of the art and even include geothermal in the design. The cultural elements of the community were also embodied in the finishes and design elements. This high school is so much more than just a place to learn math and english, it is an integral part of the community to remember the culture and herritage of past generations, and build a new genaration of leaders that will have every opportunity to compete in a modern world.