When you find you have to move to a new location or you are faced with changes in enrollment let Modular Solutions, ltd relocate your modular building for you.  We have been in business since 1996, and relocated over 1,000,000 square ft of modular and relocateable buildings.  The great thing about a prefabricated building is that you can move it across town or even to another state.

Let our team of experienced field supervisors help you with preconstruction assessments, permit and occupancy requirements, budgets and schedules, site work, dismantle at the existing location and installation at the new site.   If your site is not ready to accept the prefabricated building we can store the facility for you until the time is right.   Call today for a free estimate on your modular building relocation.   Modular Solutions, Ltd has cooperative contracts for relocation of modular and prefabricated buildings.   Ask your representative how to save time and  money with cooperative purchasing.

CALL US TODAY:    800-441-8577 X (1) SALES